Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The month just started and we are off with a bang!  Couple of updates:

First, WOOOO!  Elections are done and I couldn’t be happier.  I’m happy to keep Obama around, but I’m even more happy about the states passing gay marriage (such a good sign for the future) and about the strong showing for women.  Not only did the two wacko senatorial candidates who made ignorant statements about abortions and rape not get voted into the senate, but the first Asian woman, first disabled woman, and first openly gay women have all be elected into the senate.  Also, New Hampshire will have all women in the house and senate delegations and a woman governor.  WOW, that is fantastic!

(changing topics a bit)

Second, I am attempting NaNoWriMo again.  You know 50,000 in the month of November.  Last year I hit 10,000 and that was the most I’ve ever written so I think anything above that would be a victory for me.  My blog posts will be a bit less because of this, and my pile of books to be reviewed may sit unnoticed for a little while.  (I also added a review policy to my blog, check it out! Any advice is greatly appreciated)

Third, I have not done a football Friday for a while.  But I will, soon, and I will discuss the quarterback situation and my thoughts on who should be playing and the future of that position!  Go Blue!

This is all a bit delayed because we just moved and getting the whole Internet thing didn't happen right away...

Oh and I can't forget that starting the day after Halloween it is officially Christmas music day!  Yeah, y'all might not agree with me, but I love Christmas music and it just makes me so happy this time of year!  For a look at some of my favs (which are probably ones you haven't heard) check out this and this from RoB's 12 days of xmas last year.

1 comment:

  1. I liked these:
    It's nice to see that Americans aren't crazy. That being said, I wish you'd stop calling that game played by men with odd shaped balls football. Football's the one where you kick the ball with your feet.
